Our History
Over 70 years of serving children in Knox County
First clothing drive was held by mothers and PTA leaders in Knoxville City Schools when they saw children who were unable to attend school because the did not have adequate clothing. They began making many of the clothes with donated materials and refurbished clothing they collected during clothing drives. Garments of any description were requested but they preferred adult clothing that could be cut down to fit.
Clothing Center was started under the sponsorship of the Work Projects Administration and the leadership of a former Knoxville Council PTA President and city school board member, Mrs. C. Beardsley. At one time the center employed seamstresses to mend old clothes and make new ones....a 1963 clothing drive included a request for buttons.
The city's clothing center moved into the Opportunity School, formerly Hampden-Sydney School at the corner of State and Commerce, now known as the YMCA Building.
It was 1958 before the mothers and PTA leaders in our Knox County Schools followed suit and began collecting clothing at the Knox County Health Department under the direction of the Knox County Council PTA Welfare Chairman, the Knox County Board of Education, and the Welfare Department.

The city and county school systems as well as the city and county PTA councils merged. The combined councils took onits curent name, Knox County Council PTA.
The Clothing Center became a United Way Partner Agency. This allowed the Center to provide new clothing to every student that entered the Center. United Way of Greater Knoxville, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that provides supporting services and other assistance to public and private agencies and community organizations that meet the human service needs of the general public of Knox County.
The Clothing Center moved to a newly remodeled county facility in the former Sears Building on North Central Avenue. It is now known as the Knox Central Building.
Changes are occurring in our name, Board of Managers, and space but our service will remain the same! More information coming soon.